New Year, New Stations!

The Primary students are enjoying some changes to their stations on their return from Christmas break. 

Station 1Ball tap 

Students are tapping the tennis ball with a motor control stick (actually, it is the empty roll from the laminating film with colored tape in the center and about two inches from either end) while standing on the balance board.

Station 2 – Superman

 Students are doing superman reflex warm up so I can access their ability.

Station 3 – Skip counting on the trampoline 

 Students step on to the trampoline and jump while skip counting by 2’s from 2 to 20 (K, 1st, 2nd), 3’s from 3 to 30 and 4’s from 4 to 40 (1st and 2nd graders).  The number sequences are written on the dry erase board for their reference.

Station 4 – Swim and dry 

Students lay on the mat on their stomachs and pull themselves across the mat using their elbow and knees.  When they get off at the end, they “dry” their arms and legs with their hands or some other object (ball, textured cloth, etc.)

Station 5 – Monkey Hop

Students place their hands on the ground in front of them and their feet on the ground behind them.  They move their hands to the left and hop with both feet to the left.  Then they move both hands to the right and hop with both feet to the right.  They move to the right again, and then move back to the left. 

Station 6 – Scooter Pull 

One student lays on the scooter on their stomach and grabs the rope with both hands. The other student stands on the end of the rope with both feet.  The student on the scooter then pulls him(her)self to the wall by pulling on the rope.

Station 7 – Bubble Wrap Pop

Students grab a piece of bubble wrap ( I purchase it by the roll at Sam’s Wholesale Club and tear off pre-perforated sections).  They are instructed to pop the bubbles using their thumbs and one other finger.

Station 8 – Board Work Spider Web and Tornado

Students draw a spider web in one color on the dry erase board.  A spider web is drawn by drawing a square.  They place an X in the square by drawing the diagonal lines.  They draw three vertical lines in the square, evenly placed.  They then draw three horizonal lines in the square, evenly placed.  With a different color, they draw the tornado on top of the spider web by beginning a circle on the outside edge of the spider web and continuing to circle around smaller and smaller until they reach the center of the spider web.

Station 9 – Ball Pit

Students step in to the inflated pool of balls.  On their hands and knees, they crawl around the inside edge.  Once around, they lay on their back, roll to their stomach, and then roll back to their back and step out.

Station 10 – Spin Board

Students sit on the spin board with their legs crossed.  They push themselves ten times to the left and ten times to the right.

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