Last Stations for the Year

With just one full week of school left, these will be the last stations our students experience this year.

Station 1 – Hand Duck Walking – Students placed their hands on the flat part of the board.   While on their knees, students “waddle” across the floor from blue line to blue while pushing down to the left and then to the right.  Students are not to just scoot the board across the floor.  The left to right motion provides proprioceptive input to their brain.


Station 2 – Alphabet Symbol Scotch – Students hop in to each square and land with both feet while turning their body to face the direction of the letters.  They begin with letter A,B and proceed in alphabetical order.  They have to create a motor plan to know which square to jump in next and what direction to turn their body.


Station 3 – Teamster Trekkers – Students must cooperate to walk on the teamster trekkers from station 3 to the back wall and back.


Station 4 – Scooter Paddling – Students sit at the back of one scooter and place their feet on the front scooter while using the paddles to propel themselves around the letters of the alphabet marked on the floor.


Station 5 – Spin Board – Students sit on the spin board with their legs crossed and push themselves  10 times to the right and 10 times to the left.


Station 6 – Hoola Hoop – Students stand on one of the colored squares in the center of the letters and hoola hoop around their waste.


Station 7 – Balance Board – Students sit on the balance board with their legs crossed and toss and catch the beanbag to each other.


Station 8 –Bungee Bouncers – Students hop on the bungee bouncers making sure to stay out of the way of other stations.


Station 9 – Alphabet 8s – Students draw two complete figure 8s and then the letter K three times.  They repeat with the letter l.


Station 10 – Obstacle Course – Students crawl in to the red barrel and do a forward flip on to the mat or crawl out of the barrel and roll off the mat.  They will duck under the 3 arches before returning to the barrel.  Students should be careful not to enter the barrel until their classmate is off the mat.

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