The stations have changed, and we have some brand new things we are doing in the Ready Bodies Lab. We’ve added the teamster trekkers and the scooter board paddles to our equipment. Check out stations 3, 4, and 9 to see the new equipment in action.
Station 1-Tummy Roll Students roll on the ball on their tummy while building with the blocks.
Station 2 – Symbol Scotch Students jump in to the square landing with both feet and turning their bodies to face the direction of the letters. They begin with AB and must find the next letters of the alphabet to know where to jump next. They continue until they have completed the alphabet.
Station 3 – Teamster Trekkers Students stand on the paddles, one behind the other, while holding the rope. They must coordinate the same side of their bodies to “walk” to the other end of the room.
Station 4 – Scooter Board Students sit on the scooter board with their legs also on the board. They use the paddles to scoot themselves around the square formed by the alphabet letters.
Station 5 – Spin Board Students sit on the spin board with their legs crossed. They push on the floor to spin themselves 10 times to the right and then 10 times to the left.
Station 6 – Hoola Hoop Students stand in the center of the room inside the square formed by the letters and try to hoola hoop with the hoop around their waste.
Station 7 – Balance Board Students sit on the balance board with their legs crossed facing each other. They toss and catch the bean bag by catching with one hand and slapping the beanbag in to their other hand and then tossing to their partner who catches with one hand and slaps the beanbag in to their opposite hand. They tried to do this in a rhythmic pattern. To see other great examples of activities to do with a bean bag and balance board, visit
Station 8 – Alphabet 8’s The students stand with their feet on the footprints in front of the dry erase board. They complete two figure 8’s by starting in the center and moving the dry erase marker up and around from one side to the other. They will pick up their marker and draw the letter i. They repeat two times and then erase their board. They complete two figure 8 patterns and draw the letter j. They repeat two times before erasing their board.
Station 9 – Teamster Trekkers Same as station 3.
Station 10 – Dome Cones Students arrange the dome cones on the mats in whatever pattern they wish. The cones must be touching the mat and not stacked on top of each other. They balance on the cones while walking the path. They can play a game by telling each other what color cone to step on next.